Dirty But Legal Money Raking Tricks!

This has to be one of the BEST ways to generate sales. Controversy creates two types of
interest. Negative and positive. And both forms of interest work together to make you profits. How
exactly? Well, let’s do a quick example. Person N and Person P. Person P loves what you have written and can directly relate to what you have said. Person N on the other hand thinks you’re an obnoxious creep full of insane beliefs. Both Person P and Person N comment on your writing. They read each others comments and they are inflamed by those comments. So, they begin a back and forth battle of words based entirely on what you had to say! Now comes Person S, Person V, and Person C. They add their two cents and take sides of who’s right and who’s wrong. Then come more comments. And more, and more. And if you’re selling something that expands on your initial post, you’ll get both those that hate what you had to say, and love it, buying your product. The negative folks will want further proof that you’re a total moron while the positive folks will want to learn more about what you are teaching, or saying. Every single day, millions of folks hop onto the internet and have something to say. Most likely they’ll do this through writing. Whether it’s through an article, an email, or a blog. The “trick” is to make what you discuss controversial through your writings.
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